Some bash commands & scripts

1. CP

copying all files from old dir, include subdirs, to new dir exclude hidden files
cp -r old/* new
updating all files from old dir, include subdirs, to new dir exclude hidden files
cp -r -u old/* new

2. LS

About   patterns in ls -I
ignoring files beginning with "q" in name
ls -I 'q*'
some experiments with patterns You can see here:

getting list of files of 511, 512 grups without screenshots "снимок..."
 ls -otR /mnt/Students/ФФКиС/51[1-2] -I 'снимок*'>/mnt/Students/ls1 

3. "+x" - problem

In the Your folder make:
find "Your folder" -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;

4. Other

here are placed file associations of xfce4 (or thunar? or os? - i don't know, but it is working)
old win' TeX decoding to file1.tex
iconv -f CP1251 -t UTF8 -o file1.tex file.tex

5. Netpkg

#netpkg upgrade
Immediatelly after installation!!! Wait many hours... The NAPILLING is following only after it!
#netpkg wine
#wine configure
...and You can start Mathematica! ))) So, it's very simple... But where is my sound?! What devil!
*what the qutie is the Linux! )))
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